2 things going on with the V-8, anyone else?

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I'm happy. That's two of us.

Course, I researched and knew what I was buying, and the quality has been great. Only warranty item was side window trim moulding. Also had them do Red's TSB in June/July, and it's been fine since.:cool:
Make that 3.......I'm completely happy with my '07 as well.....

Knock on wood....I haven't had any tranny problems that have been reported on this site :D
Make that 4, although my heart goes out to those that are having significant issues with theirs. My Trac hasn't been perfect; when I took delivery of my Special Ordered Trac it didn't come with the keys for the tonneau cover and I was a little perturbed that they had to order a new lock set because there was no way to trace or cut keys for the lock set that came with the cover. My tires were feathering so I had an alignment and my transmission had some shifting imperfections but the TSB seemed to have resolved that. Again, I'm sensitive to those that are having issues because it doesn't make you feel good about your investment in the vehicle. My advice is to be a huge sounding board to your dealer and get Ford customer service involved if needed. Also, if you're not satisfied with one dealership's service, go to another dealer if it's convenient.
Ok, #5 here, Red, desert, Ken, Dingo. But I think we are in the minority, for sure. I, also, have to get the TSBs looked into, but my shifting and Park problems are very intermittent, and not enough to piss me off, yet. If it happens any more frequently, I will have the truck looked at. I am so pleased with the other performance points of the vehicle, that these seem minor to me right now. I might change my mind later, but as for now,,,,,,,,I love the truck,,,,,,,,,my two cents.
No vehicle will be perfect, especially when we're modifying them. The tranny thing... Mine does the clunk when stopping occaisionally, but I just reset the computer and it goes fine again for a few thousand miles. I refuse to get the TSB done until the software is 100% fixed and reliable.

Are there things on the truck I'd change? Certainly. And I am slowly changing them myself. I can't expect Ford to build a truck for the masses to my specs. If they did, it wouldn't sell, because of the price.

Overall, I couldn't be happier.
I agree with Dingo 100%. $hit happens - that's the way it is. Let's fix it and move on. This is the whole purpose of these forums.

I love mine!

Add another happy camper to the list.

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I don't agree 100%,......when you fork over the kind of $$$ that we're paying for these vehicles (especially for the V-8 model) I expect a little more service and faster resolution to these problems. Fortunately I have not had the number of issues as some of the other 07 owners, but i'm not about to discount their issues with a "shyt happens" type of approach. If you take a look at the Ford Blue Oval forum you will see that there are many others that are having issues with the 4.6L drivetrain and that's absolutely unacceptable. While I love my 07 Trac, I can't blame those that are ready to do away with theirs. If it were me I would probably have the same attitude.

The bottom line is Ford needs to get there act together or the boat will continue to sink beneath them. I'll drive someone elses vehicle before I continue to pay good $$ for piss poor Quality products. I have owned 3 Honda Accords and an Infiniti so I know how a Quality vehicle should make you feel, and unfortunately Bootsy and several others aint feelin it!
Red, they bought a brand new vehicle in it's first year. There are going to be issues, regardless of the manufacturer. You learn to live with them, or have the manufacturer fix them.

The resounding issue that most people have in common is the transmission one. It's caused by software that was released in essentially a Beta version. It's being fixed. In the meantime, the most reliable way to relieve the symptoms is to unhook the battery for a half-hour when it starts acting up. I've also noticed locally that the more aggressive drivers have less of these issues than the conservative drivers. I attribute this to Ford's "adaptive learning."

I had a friend with an '06 Exploder with the same tranny. I asked him to try something. I said, unhook the battery for 30 minutes, hook it back up, and drive it like you stole it every time you drive for 2 whole tanks of gas." He did. He hasn't had a single problem since.
Dingo, are you telling me you think it's acceptable that you have to drive a vehicle aggresively to get it to shift correctly. Bringing a Beta version to market is NOT acceptable, PERIOD. I didn't pay for a Beta version, and I don't think anyone else intented to purchase a Beta version either.

By the way, my interpretation of Adaptive Learning is that it adjusts to the way "You as an individual drives", not you having to drive it like another person to get it to drive the way you want it to drive. Duhhhhh, something's wrong with that picture. How about we just admit that Fords "adaptive learning" has A.D.D.....cause it surely is not paying attention to what the driver wants.
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We obviously have two very strong differing opinions here. We really shouldn't ... oh never mind.

Does Ford even look at these posts?

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You replied to my question regarding what things I should look for when towing (thanks). I live in south Florida where we have no hills - at all. I'll pay close attention to the shifting next weekend but I'm not sure if I'll notice anything being that it's so flat down here.

Secondly, I'll be taking the ST up to Connecticut over the holidays this year (plenty of hills there) however I won't be towing. Do your issues only happen when towing? Does it happen with a full load too?

Thanks for any information you can provide.

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Well, the dealer replaced my gear shifter to fix the sticking in park issue. The transmission problem(downshifting hard into 1st), there is suppose to be a new TSB coming out sometime this month. So I will wait for the phone call.

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