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Okay, so which one is the ST? I downloaded the 2001 Truck image, made the cd, installed it, only to find that it doesn't have our engine or tranny, so I assume it's not the right one.
Which is for a '01 ST?

2001 Truck .ISO (volume label *might* be: 01TRK08) ?
You could buy them off eBay. Would that make you feel better?

Try buying those CD's from the dealer. Can't do it.

Just take your car to the dealer, they will fix it for you at a real reasonable price.


ps...BTW, the ones on eBay are CD-R's. So if you buy off eBay, you would be recieving stolen merchandise.

and by the way, I am not paying any sales tax on those CD's either.
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If you downloaded the 01 Truck CD, it covers all Ford Trucks. I paid for the complete set off eBay a few years back. I know the 2001 CD covers the Trac.

Sorry if I struck a nerve Caymen. I shouldn't have chimed in on Scott's comment. I did so just to make sure that no one thought I sanctioned or supported the downloading.

I was careful not to get on a high horse at the beginning of this thread. I warned of the possibility that the stuff might copywritten, warned that it could be ripe with Trojan or otherwise a snare for finding copyright violators, and Scott chimed so I just wanted to make it clear that yes, I know this stuff probably isn't legal to download.

But, I find it interesting that you say:

ps...BTW, the ones on eBay are CD-R's. So if you buy off eBay, you would be recieving stolen merchandise.

To that, consider this...if you buy them off eBay and they are shipped to you across state lines than that would be willful receipt of stolen out-of-state merchandise. That might actually be a federal offense.

But, who cares? I just want people to be true to themselves! By that I mean just because you can't buy them at the dealer doesn't justify anything. And, just because you would rather fix your vehicle yourself, and in the process need illegally obtained materials like this to do so to avoid high priced dealer service costs doesn't justify it. That's all rationalization in my book. What if there were special tools that you needed that you could ONLY get direct from Ford and then only if a certified mechanic? Would you be justified breaking into their warehouse and stealing them?

I agree that it is unfortunate that Ford doesn't make this information available for sale. But they are within their right to protect it. If one feels strongly enough against Ford's position on that they should boycott their products.

Just like in the music download thread, I won't preach about nor denounce people for their choice to download, but I do find it hypocritical and bothersome to me for people to justify and rationalize their actions.

If you choose to downloads, just do it, use it, feel guilty or not, but don't make excuses please as they are all just shallow rationalization.

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BTW, folks, maybe it would be helpful for you all to know a little more about me.

1) I am a Christian

2) I have worked a white-collar job in the computer field for 19 years

Those two things mold my opinion on downloading. We ALL do things in our lives that we feel guilty about. The best way to STOP feeling guility is to stop our bad behavior, and the best way to stop that bad behavior is to stop rationalizing it. Guilt and rationalization often support and feed our bad behavior. Ask a preacher or a psychiatrist, they will both agree with that.

Additionally, I worked very hard manual labor jobs (ditch digger, jackhammer operator, etc) to put myself through college. I still see the value of sweat on my brow when I do my own home improvements, etc. However, for the past few decades my livlihood has been provided by my ideas, and my intellect. And, those ideas and hard work often manifest themselves as a handful of bytes on a computer or a CD-ROM somewhere.

That's what drives me....

Now you know!

Thanks for reading.


How does one know the ones on eBay are cdr's without the auction stating it?

For the record, I own repair manuals for the following vehicles.

1992 Escort

1993 Aerostar

1993 Thunderbird

1996 Escort

2002 Sport Trac

Those manuals I listed are the original hard copy book available from Helm, Inc.

I do not rationalize my decisions. I know I wuld be better off taking my car to the dealer and having them fix them.

FWIW, Jimmy Swaggart and Jim Baker are Chrisitians too. Try not to label yourself as something "good". Too many people claim to be something good, but are far from it.

Even Jerry Falwell broke the law many times. "Respected Christians".

Scott, of course I am not saying that only those that create IP (intellectual property) can understand and respect the rights of others that do the same. Just trying to let people know where "I come from".

Regarding the "Christian" label, it was not meant to define me, nor to say that I am holier than thou, but was meant to give the reader an insight as to how I view sin (in this case theft) and guilt. We all sin, and we all feel guilty about it to some degree or another. It is HOW we deal with that guilt that either puts us on a path to curb the behavior or repeat it. As I said, read the Bible or go to a shrink for more insights on that. When I say I am a Christian I mean it in the sense that "I am a Christian as as such I recognize and am trying to overcome my frailities." That was what was meant, nothing more.

Oh, and Caymen, how do you know if you are getting a copy or original materials on an eBay auction? Answer: Read the auction description and if in doubt ask the seller a question.

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I will say again what I said above...

For the record, I own repair manuals for the following vehicles.

1992 Escort

1993 Aerostar

1993 Thunderbird

1996 Escort

2002 Sport Trac

TO add to that, I even had a manual to a 2001 Trac, but sent it to a fellow member with a 2001 Trac that needed it. I do own the manuals I need.

Call me a thief, so be it. Remember those that are the first to point fingers are the truly guilty ones. Not calling names, just stating my opinion. Read from it what you want because I know you will see it as if I am calling you a name...and I really don't care.

I'm an atheist. I'm stealing intellectual property from Ford. I believe that if you want something to remain YOUR intellectual property, keep it in your head and don't right it down. Once written, I feel all property is public. The law doesn't agree, but I don't agree with much that our government does either.

[Broken External Image]:
Good for you Jeff C. Good for you!

I expect we agree on much regarding IP...if you really want to protect IP, protect it yourself, don't expect the government to. If you can't protect it than how intellectual can you be?

The Digital Millenium Act, IMHO, was a step backward in IP law. It made almost ALL FORMS of black-box reverse engineering in the digital domain illegal, and that I disagree with.

The intent of the DMA was good, but the execution was flawed.

I think car companies have been ripping us off for years by not making some of this available to car owners. For crying out load until recently you hade to go to dealers just to know what a code was and they charged you to tell you what a code meant. This after spending 25-30k. Why should we not have the knowhow to be able to fix things with our car? You don't tighten the gas cap and check engin light comes on.... Give me a break! Now I gotta drop it off for a day find a ride and pay 100 clams...... Now I know you can go to your local PArts shop but many people still do not know
I guess. I don't agree with patents and copyrights. All a patent does is give a company a legal monopoly, which is hipocracy IMO. I understand that it's intended to promote variation of products and different designs, but it's all flawed in my view. I do think we probably have one of the best systems in the history of man, but history shows that power and money always lead to corruption.

Obviously some Ford employee out there shares my views, which is how these got on the internet in the first place. It's up to the company to keep their info to themselves, but once it's out...

I DO NOT support re-selling of information. I think it should all be free. I have a warranty, but don't have the time or the patience to wait for Ford to fix my problems, when I can take 5min to figure it out, 10min to go to the store, and maybe an hour to fix it all. Now if I made more per hour than the ridiculous hourly cost of labor at Ford, then it would be in my interest to just drop it off and deal with it, but until that time, I will do my own maintenance and repairs. I will not be buying a warranty on any future new vehicles I purchase, which aside from a few exceptions, will all be Fords.
ok, for those of us that do want to burn these, I have made a total of 6 coasters so far. :eek: I can burn the iso to the disk, but I can not get the volume label to be anything other than "new". I tried the iso, even the .nrg, which should have been perfect. ANyone else having this issue? I am trying to do the 93-94 car disk.... I'll even send someone the money for the cd if they'll burn it for me,.....
If the guys turning the wrenches and busting their knuckles were getting even CLOSE per hour what the labor charge is, then I would feel a little better about forking over rediculous labor costs for repairs. But when mr. head-honcho makes all the money, and don't know standard from metric, I have a problem.

I know my fridge didn't cost 25k, and When I spend 25k for a vehicle, I wanna damn well know how to fix it if I so choose.

AND, (since I'm chiming in on a rant)... if I wouldn't have had the issues with my ford that I've had since I bought it a year and a half ago, I wouldn't be worried about a repair manual. Just so happens I don't care if I find a repair manual for my wife's toyota or not.... probably won't need it!!

ok, don't be hatin'. I'm done ranting and all that jazz....

I'll see if I can get it to work. If I can, I'll mail it out to ya. Let ya know later tonight after it's done downloading and what not.
thanks jeff. I can get the files on the disk, just not the label. what I may try is put 'em on disk, the copy to a folder, then create a new iso and volume label and try that.

really sucks that I cant get it to work, now I am going to keep trying untill I get it right, so buy stock in cd manufacturers..... :)
I was able to succesfully burn a CD using Nero Burning ROM with the NRG file.

I am going to try the iso now.


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