Fuel Economy

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whoooeeee! :driving: 19.59 mpg. new high for me! Had 110 miles on the tank and all highway 65-70 mph except about 12 miles in town before fillup again.

2 possibilities... the temps were in the 50's outside for most of the trips, and I tried a cleaner out on the IAT sensor wires. They were a lot more shiney after the spray, so makes me wonder... The average for me has been about 17.5 for similar trips in the last 3 months.. Will let you know if this increase stays around for a while. The weather here is amazing.

SE Wyoming this time of year should be highs in the 20-30's lows around 0-10. We had 62 today and looks like 50's for the rest of the week too! lows around freezing! :banana:

I will take weeks like this all winter!

Averaged 20.1 today on a trip to the ocean today. Very happy with that with the snow tires on. I didnt expect to do that well with my snow tire package on. About 45 degrees here today in new hampshire. Heat wave! Still no snow!
well add a few intown cold morning short trips, 100 miles hauling about 400lbs of lumber and I got 18.39 over 351 miles. Mid 18 is about what I will expect I guess. considering the ride, its good. Would like to be at 20mpg but over a tank, it is only about 6 bucks difference.

not going to spend 3-400 bucks to try to improve it as the payback would take 18 months IF I gained 1mpg...

Maybe i'll hit that 20 on my AZ trip at the end of the month but I doubt 75mph has a chace of that.

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