I never said anyone who carries a gun is a vigilante. Someone who claims that they are buying a gun to "take back their neighborhood", which is pretty much what you said, could be viewed as a vigilante.
Did I say you live with animals? Nope, I didn't. Did I imply it? Nope, you did. Check the 2nd sentence of your first post.
Caymen said:
When you quote a song, know what it is about before you look like an idiot.
Again, being the NICE self that you are. The idiot was uncalled for.
Caymen, I know the song and I figured you would quote the bad-ass, tough guy part.
Thanks for not disappointing.
Yes, the Gatlin boys "took turns at Becky", whatever that means. If it was rape, then I guess they had it coming, I won't deny that.
But what if Tommy and Becky lived in a town FILLED with rapists, such that it's only a matter of time before there was a conflict. I'm not saying anyone has crime "coming to them", but if one knows that being a victim of crime is likely YET they put themselves in that situation when they don't need to, then why would they do that? I just don't get it.
As for KNOWING the song, it seems the more subtle aspects are lost on you. The song has two morals.
One: Sometimes you have to fight WHEN you're a man (and those times clearly when you have no choice...as was the case in defending Becky); and
Two: That you don't have to fight to BE a man (as was the case for Tommy's father who was spending a life in jail because he never backed down).
So sue me, Caymen, for only quoting the part about the one moral. Clearly some of your attitude shows that you
do think you have to fight to be a man (ie your "tail between your legs" comment).
So, I ask you Caymen...Is your back really against the wall? Do you HAVE to stay and fight? Do you really HAVE to? Or do you WANT to?
My kids love amusement parks but we don't go to the largest one closest to our house (Dorney Park in Allentown PA). Why? Because it is filled with animals; disrespectful, ready to smack you if you look at them animals that don't know how to behave. Sure, I could go there and try to take back the park...make my stand...but why? What do I have to prove?