Health Care Bill Question

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Where would I grow the new balls? What good would they be? The current ones don't get a whole lot of action the way it is- why would I want more?



re: Health Care Bill Question by gatorrich,12/22/2009 17:58 ET

Is that a bad word or something? You reckon others here will take offense to it?

Oh boy, I don't know what I'm going to do now!

Hmm, now that I think of it... I don't this it does qualify as a bad word.

You either have them, or know someone who does.

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merry christmas all, lets all chill for a few days, no more nastyness.

Oh, and Caymen, love ya bro, big huggers from me:banana:
Todd is sick in bed and the entire website goes to Crap!!!!

There will be consequences when he gets back around!

And where's "You know who" been with this healthcare debate

going on?!?:smile0011:

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Ultimatly, my point was that we can place blame with whomever we choose. Many people blame FDR for making life better for us. Many of us are where we are today because of FDR.

FDR goes down in history as one of the greatest presidents of all time. He rates right up there with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.


I should be used to it by now, but I am not. I cannot believe there are so many people who believe, (and actually say out loud) so many falsehoods.

Perfect example is the old Howard Stern show. The reason his ratings were so high is that, people tuned in to see what he would say or do next. Not that Stern uttered any useful information. It was due to the fact that rational people wanted to see how outrageous the talk was on the show.

Which is why I love this site. I cant wait to see what some people on here say next. Such outrageousness, and fact-free comments.

I should be used to it by now, but I am not. I cannot believe there are so many people who believe, (and actually say out loud) so many falsehoods.

But Frank, you should, they are in the crowd you hang out with...
I cannot believe there are so many people who believe, (and actually say out loud) so many falsehoods.

I cant wait to see what some people on here say next. Such outrageousness, and fact-free comments.

Rather than just make empty statements devoid of any substance, can you cite specific examples of "falsehoods" or "fact-free comments"? If you believe something to be false, then back up your rebuttal with facts, references, sources, etc. Otherwise, your comments will never be taken seriously.
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Hey Les,

Lookie here. Front and center TODAY CNN>Comcast>Yahoo.

Glenn Beck Named Misinformer of 2009

by Ann Murray-Yavar

Dec 23rd, 2009 | 1:14 PM | Comments 75

Media Matters For America has named Fox News anchor Glenn Beck the 2009 Misinformer of the Year.

The organization cited Becks disturbing use of race and race-baiting (which caused 80 advertisers to drop their ads from his show), red scare strategies of calling leading political figures communists, popularizing Sarah Palins use of the term death panels in the health-care debate, fostering comparisons between the current administration and Nazi Germany, as well as encouraging violent, anti-government rhetoric and a belief and support of wild conspiracies.

Each year, Media Matters has the difficult task of determining which media figure has been the most prolific and influential purveyor of conservative misinformation, Media Matters president Eric Burns said in a statement. But this year, our choice was easy. Glenn Becks paranoid conspiracy theories, disturbing use of race and race-baiting, and tea-party cheerleading made him a shoo-in for Misinformer of the Year for 2009.

Media Matters, which was launched in 2004 by journalist and author David Brock, describes itself as a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media. The organization utilizes content analysis, fact-checking, and media-monitoring to track the American media arena.

Glenn Beck is the host of The Glenn Beck Program on Fox News. He is a former Top 40 Radio DJ, author and publisher, and former CNN anchor.

Well Les whatcha gotta say now??

Your whole philospophy (fox fake conservatism) is finally permeating the mainsteream as a complete farce. Sort of like the Jerry Springer show. Hilarious!

Hey Bud. You can bet Im thinking of you too.
Oh Train Trac>>

How about when bud called the President a Socialist, and claimed he had no birth certificate. HMMMM'

How bout when Bill Barber siad we are all going to die from Obama care??

I expect a little more from you TT
Well Les whatcha gotta say now??

Frank, posting someone's opinion means nothing, but then, the only opinion you have is what someone else tells you. How about something original, but be careful, I don't want your brain to explode from its actual use.
All of you just need to just stop and STFU!

You political freaks really do need to get a life. This is why I hate politics. You people act like someone sh!t in your bowl of Wheaties if someones opinion differs from your own.

I'll remember to NEVER bring up anything political again.

I appreciate the people that attempted to answer my question. Thanks.

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Citing something from is really meaningless. They're hardly a neutral, unbiased organization. Follow the money trail, and you can trace their funding all the way back to George Soros, one of the wealthiest, most influential men in the world who is also a huge proponent of Socialism and one-world government. Besides, what was your point? Glenn Beck was never discussed in this thread prior to your cut-and-paste from Media Matters.

How about when bud called the President a Socialist, and claimed he had no birth certificate. HMMMM'

1. In his books Dreams From My Father, and The Audacity of Hope, the President himself cited numerous examples of known, self-admitted radical, Marxist/Socialist/Communist individuals with whom he closely associated (both personally and professionally) and were either mentors or had a profound influence on the formation of the President's core beliefs. Among them:

Saul Alinsky

Khalid Abdullah Tariq Al-Mansour

Bill Ayers

Carl V

Frank Marshall Davis

Bernardine Dohrn

Mike Klonsky

John L. McKnight

Quentin Young

Information about these individuals and how they influenced President Obama can be found <A HREF="">here</A>. How can the President have been associated with avowed radical Marxist/Socialists, called them friends and mentors, and not subscribe to Socialist beliefs himself? It's human nature to associate primarily with like-minded people, whose beliefs we share, right?

2. Regarding the President's birth certificate--consider this: During the 2008 Presidential campaign, Barack Hussein Obama never publicly released any personal papers like his original birth certificate, his passport, medical records, or any college transcripts--despite repeated FOIA requests. Yet, during the campaign, the Left raised the question about Senator McCain's Constitutional eligibility to serve as President because he wasn't born in CONUS. Without hesitation, he produced his birth certificate showing he was born in Panama, (US soil at the time) while his father was serving there in the Navy. Opponents also raised questions about McCain's health due to trauma he suffered as a POW, so he released his medical records, and also his college transcripts.

In modern history, pretty much every Presidential candidate has released their personal records for public scrutiny except Barack Obama. So Bud's "claim" of no birth certificate raises a legitimate question, since we have yet to see one.

How bout when Bill Barber siad we are all going to die from Obama care??

Surely even you, Frank, can recognized satire when you see it, and know that Bill didn't mean that literally.

I expect a little more from you TT

Was that enough?:smile0011:
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Just who is the proper authority to receive such evidence as birth certificates, etc for a candidate running for President? I'm sure there is someone required to authenticate the legitimacy of any candiate for President, but I'm willing to bet it's not the Press or other Media people.

Dirty politics were played by both sides and other media people, not just Glenn Beck. Beck stands out because he is on Fox while all the other networks and media were Pro-Obama.

Only Beck and Limbaugh were the only Anti-Obama media spokesmen out there, and they were not even Pro-McCain/Palin...They did not like any of the candidates which makes them pretty neutral to me.

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