Citing something from is really meaningless. They're hardly a neutral, unbiased organization. Follow the money trail, and you can trace their funding all the way back to George Soros, one of the wealthiest, most influential men in the world who is also a huge proponent of Socialism and one-world government. Besides, what was your point? Glenn Beck was never discussed in this thread prior to your cut-and-paste from Media Matters.
How about when bud called the President a Socialist, and claimed he had no birth certificate. HMMMM'
1. In his books
Dreams From My Father, and
The Audacity of Hope, the President himself cited numerous examples of known, self-admitted radical, Marxist/Socialist/Communist individuals with whom he closely associated (both personally and professionally) and were either mentors or had a profound influence on the formation of the President's core beliefs. Among them:
Saul Alinsky
Khalid Abdullah Tariq Al-Mansour
Bill Ayers
Carl V
Frank Marshall Davis
Bernardine Dohrn
Mike Klonsky
John L. McKnight
Quentin Young
Information about these individuals and how they influenced President Obama can be found <A HREF="">here</A>. How can the President have been associated with avowed radical Marxist/Socialists, called them friends and mentors, and
not subscribe to Socialist beliefs himself? It's human nature to associate primarily with like-minded people, whose beliefs we share, right?
2. Regarding the President's birth certificate--consider this: During the 2008 Presidential campaign, Barack Hussein Obama
never publicly released any personal papers like his original birth certificate, his passport, medical records, or any college transcripts--despite repeated FOIA requests. Yet, during the campaign, the Left raised the question about Senator McCain's Constitutional eligibility to serve as President because he wasn't born in CONUS. Without hesitation, he produced his birth certificate showing he was born in Panama, (US soil at the time) while his father was serving there in the Navy. Opponents also raised questions about McCain's health due to trauma he suffered as a POW, so he released his medical records, and also his college transcripts.
In modern history, pretty much
every Presidential candidate has released their personal records for public scrutiny
except Barack Obama. So Bud's "claim" of no birth certificate raises a legitimate question, since we have yet to see one.
How bout when Bill Barber siad we are all going to die from Obama care??
Surely even you, Frank, can recognized satire when you see it, and know that Bill didn't mean that literally.
I expect a little more from you TT
Was that enough?:smile0011: