Health Care Bill Question

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I knew he'd be back!!!

There is a Santa Claus!!!!!!:smile0007:

Frank, he is a Socialist and he has no US birth Certificate....

Has he presented it to the courts?!?:smile0008:
Richard L,

I'm not sure who would be the authority for verifying Presidential eligibility, since there's no historical precident. I would assume that it would be SCOTUS. Makes sense to me, since the Founding Fathers set up three co-equal branches of gov't, and this would seem to be part of the checks & balances. However, I'm sure the Founders never imagined something like this.

But as I said earlier, the fact that BHO has not released any papers (birth certificate, passport, college transcripts, etc.) for viewing by the general voting public unlike virtually every other Presidential candidate in modern history is a little suspect to many Americans. Makes folks wonder what he's hiding.
Talking of Obama and his suposed no US Birth Certificate.

The POTUSA has the highest security clearance there is to get. Speaking as someone that understands what it takes to get a clearance, there is something fishy in a system that would give a top secret clearance without researching everything 10 times over just boggles my mind. The clearance everyday people get that need it have to give names of people that grew up with you, people from your neighborhood. people you worked with, etc.

If Obama does not have proof of birth in the USA and his certificate is a fake, the system is broken.

Lunacy from the extreme right wing nut militia glen beck patriot paranoid cracker hee haw contingancy.

Im sure President Obama will mandate that we all face Mecca 3 times a day to pray to Allah any day now. Maybe its hidden in the healthcare bill!!

You make me laugh Bud. (and cry)
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Lunacy from the extreme right wing nut militia glen beck patriot paranoid cracker hee haw contingancy.

Hee Haw contingency? (Note the E in contingEncy) What does that even mean? And why are you bringing Hee Haw into the fray? Hilariously bad jokes and irrefutable musicianship have 0 to do with health care.

So, in light of obama's pompous Christmas tree ornament, which president will he knock off of Mount Rushmore for his likeness?
Since there is no official government person or agency who does he have to show the birth certificate to?? I'm sure he is not required to show it to the Republicans or the media.

Since he has traveled outside of the USA he had a US Passport that reuqired a birth certificate or naturalization papers.

It would be fairly easy for the FBI, NSA, or CIA to check where he was born. If he was not born in the USA he would have been removed as a candidate long before the election. Any candidate for President or even lower offices must file paperwork to be a candidate.

I think we have way too many conspiraacy theorist on this site.


I think we have way too many conspiraacy theorist on this site.

...or unable to think for themselves so they listen to Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck WAY too much.

Birthers need to give it a rest. Hillary wouldn't have let him get away with that. Besides, there are plenty of promises he has broken and his inability of keeping his hands out of the treasury bothers me more.
Since he has traveled outside of the USA he had a US Passport that reuqired a birth certificate or naturalization papers

If obama had naturalization papers, he couldn't run for President, I think you missed the debate on this.

Since there is no official government person or agency who does he have to show the birth certificate to?

If he was not born in the USA he would have been removed as a candidate long before the election.

So he doesn't have to show his birth certificate to anyone, yet still some mysterious party would have removed him from the race if he wasn't a natural-born citizen, because this mystery party would know--without seeing a birth certificate--that he is a Natural-Born citizen of the US, and would also have the power to remove him.

The FBI won't investigate him without orders, and you said there's no official government person or agency with the power to force such an investigation.

...that negates itself.


Birthers need to give it a rest.
Maybe, but illegal assumption of office would get him out a lot faster than 2012, and the faster the better.

Caymen, how much is too much? ;)

If you read my post, a few lines down you will see that I clearly stated that he had to be a natrural born US Citizen to run for President. My point is that if he had a US Passport he would have had to clearly indicate where he was born and present either a birth certificate or Naturalization papers which would show how he became a US citizen.

The US has an election commission that oversees elections and accepts the applications for Presidential candidates and also determines if the candidates are eligible to receive election fund monies. Candidates must file an application to be a Presidential Candidate.

I am sure that before Obama was elected, some Federal agency examined his application and did a background investigation to insure he was eligible to hold the office. To assume that he could be elected if he was not a natural born US citizen is nuts. The fact that he did not show the media or the Republicans his birth certificate is not a mystery. Simply stating his date of birth and where in the US he was born can easily be verified without him providing his birth certificate.

I was in the Army for 20 with assignements in Military Intellegence units as well as assigments in the Pentagon in support of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and had to submit a statement of personal history every year and never had to include a Birth Certificate. I know I was investigated because my friends and even their parents were contacted by agents from NSA asking about me.

Just because someone does not respond to your wishes, does not mean they are hiding something, or that their is any mystery or conspiracy. It's just none of your business.

If you are really that concerned about Obama's birth certificate, there are copies of it published all over the internet

He was born Aug 4, 1961 in Honolulu Hawaii That qualifies him to run for President

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