Jeff, I'd probably take my paces and fire one in your direction. How soon you forget about those Volant install comments.
Ape - Sorry, unless you can give me some substantive proof that supercedes the ties of a committed relationship in re: "my," I'll file "justify it all you want" under the
carries no weight file. If you'd like to continue this in person, my e-mail is in my profile. I have a nice long distance plan and a cell with free weekends - I'll even incur the connection.
In reality, this is simply a stupid differing of opinions on the internet. Ape and I are both outspoken and, although I don't know him in his daily life, probably both quite cynical. He has shown this before on here, as have I. We're the kind of folks that make threads, now and then, worth reading over a beer and bowl of cheetos. Somewhere in Voltaire's writings or a book on him (thanks, college, for implanting a cloudy idea of history), there's a line like "although I disagree with your opinion, I will fight for your right to possess it."
I'll tell you what - Kalama, despite my opinion, if others want to get a gander of you, do them a favor and give them what they want. I don't have to look, and someone said above, it'll probably make others' days just a little better. With China touting its abilities, terrorism around the world, hurricanes making a mess of FL (just for you, Ape

), and a quagmire in the middle east, any and every little bit of happiness helps. You're happy when you take the pictures, folks are happy when they see them, and for a moment, life is actually a little more worth living. And that in itself is worth it.