everyone, except you, is glad this discussion is over, and i might add settled. what purpose do you serve coming back, spewing trash and trying to start it up again?
you acknowledge in your very own post that my email was there first....so what further point can you make?
the fact is that since my email was there first, had hockeyfan saw and responded to it, you wouldnt have stolen the deal. there was no confirmation that your offer was agreed upon. as i pointed out numerous times you stipulated three things to the seller. no followup that you were satisfied on your part, and no SOLD post by hockeyfan was ever posted. in other words, no notification WHATSOEVER that the deal was "sealed". my offer was increased because there was no "SEALED" deal after all and i was willing to up my "BEST OFFER" as was requested originally.
im simply pointing out where things may have gone wrong, for whatever reason, and in turn this becomes a character assasination! wtf?
you attacked me as a person, my character on this board, and quite honestly thats what escalated here. i graciously accepted that i missed out, due to the setup of this sale, recognizing that this ISNT ebay. my point in saying that i could afford to buy anything i wanted, new or old was stated and made for that reason. in fact, just to prove that i wasnt heartbroken, i already have a kenwood touchscreen in my st. have had it for two years, bought it from a member of this board in fact. and since then ive also had a computer in my trac, which has been sold to another member of this board. there is no loss of electronics or features that i need, i simply thought it was a good deal and wanted it, you need to get over that fact now.
but when you come to try to make it personal just to make yourself feel better, now thats whats wrong with this picture, and if you continue with this stupidity, then this will easily become a 100 post discussion, i guarantee!
maybe girls call you Herbie, because its a girly name?