Frank says:
The only chance for the working man to achieve the American dream with his or Her family is to have a fair wage.
True on the fair wage part, but the working man, like the family farmer before him, will have to find an alternative vocation for that wage. Changes like this don't happen overnight. All this change really means is that there will no longer be several generations in a family working for the same company, doing basically the same job; and it will even mean that a working man will likely have several jobs in possibly different fields throughout his lifetime. Get used to it folks...wishing you could punch a clock for 25 years and then spend the rest of your time in Fla is gone.
Frank also said:
We cant be a strong country when we manufacture NOTHING.
Says who? We will never manufacture "nothing", but even if we manfacture much less in the future then we have in the past, as long as we are economically viable as a country we will still have the ability to get what we need. No country is an island anymore.
Frank also said:
Im sounding a little like a politician here, but why should we sacrifice our standard of living when China, Singapore, India...etc can keep thier people in utter slave like conditions, ...
Actually, you are wrong there. The trade that we do with China and India is drastically improving their standard of living and quality of life. Their Middle class is thriving, and by all real economic indicators ours isn't hurting and most definately isn't declining at any alarming rate. There is no "scarcity" of good fortune in globalization. For China to get richer it needn't and doesn't mean that American has to get poorer, and so far we are seeing just the opposite is happening. As China prospers so does the US.
Frank also said:
...follow no Pollution laws,...
These are soveriegn nations, we can't just force them to not pollute anymore than England or France could have forced the US at the turn of the last century when our country polluted the air during the industrial revolution. Yet, through sanctions and treaties we are working with China and others to curb pollution and it is helping.
Frank also said:
...and then dump sub par goods on our shores.
Nobody is DUMPING anything. Capitalism is based on supply and demand. The goods that we get from China, for example, are the ones that are demanded. Dumping implies them giving us stuff we didn't ask for...that's simply NOT the case.
Frank also said:
The rush to 'globalize" is a very bad thing for the average American. The big boys stand to benefit though.
Right! Like the death of the family farm was a bad thing for the average American; like the industrial revolution and the technology that came about that displaced laborers was a bad thing for the average American; like computers and the advancements they made that displaced clerical workers and other jobs has been bad for the average American; like specialization and outsourcing that caused companies to "let go" their accountants, payroll, HR and other people and focus on their core business was a bad thing for the average American; like Northeast factories moving South was a bad thing for the average American....I could go on...
The point is that the only thing we can count on is that things will change. Trying to keep them from changing is what is truly bad for the average American.
It would be better for the "average American" to stop BEING AVERAGE and instead opt to be exceptional, to make change his B!tch, and make that change work to his advantage.