Listen Gary S. Im trying to tell you facts. If you really work a blue collar job, NON UNION, and have good wages, and HEALTHCARE.. then you are the rarest of the rare. Rarer than lets say: weapons of mass destruction. Or better yet, a terrorist link to Iraq. Something tells me that you are in Management, or in a position where you have to be anti- Union to make your "Good living"
The decline of major manufacturing is purely responsible due to markets, globalization and POOR MANAGEMENT decisions. Any time a company has a hard time, they always blame it on the workers. They always take from the pension, health, and wages of the Union working men and RETIREES! The term "Legacy costs" is a good one. Some dummass lawyer came up with that one, to make retirees pension packages sound evil. It is SOLEY because of the years and years of hard labor (by UNION men) in poor conditions that these "great" companies BECAME fortune 500 companies. Wake up Gary S. The labor costs and the payrolls of these "great companies" are a FRACTION of thier operating costs. They just serve a two fold purpose to attack them, because the big boys greed and need to keep thier power.
I see no difference in Anti-Union minded people and the ZEALOTS that say "if you are anti-War, then you are against the troops". Or better yet... "anti- American". The staunch Union man is actually conservative in many ways. More conservative than the pretenders in Washington now. A Union man wants to keep his benefits. He wants a keep his fair wages. He wants to be able to work in a safe environment without the fear of being fired for no reason. Only to be replaced by the bosses nephew.
There is no reason to ever give any of that up.
Union men normally get paid a bit more than a Non- Union man, doing the same work sure. Would you not take the wage hike?? Its simple economics. You, having the typical non- union republican stance, have probably spewed the phrases.."capitalism" and "free-market". Well any dummy would surely work for more money and actual healthcare if given a chance. A man CAPITALIZES on an opportunity and takes the Union job. If Unions are smart enough to CONSERVE thier fair wage and benefit packages, then it can only be looked upon by people of any intellect, as a GOOD THING.
Stop bashing the Union man Gary. Sure many years ago there were some corruption issues with certain Unions. But that is miniscule compared to big business and the current office holders chicanery. I know without a doubt that I am right, and I will stand by anything I say for the lifetime of this website. Sorry it has to be so passionate, but thats the only way to get anything as a UNION man. You have to fight for your share every step of the way. If you do not, then there wont be a middle class. Too bad that our leaders are more concerned with thier "base" than thier country. Work BETTER Gary S. Our standard of living depends on it.