You know I never called you a liar. You can look at it anyway you want, but I still NEVER called you a liar. That is a fact! I said I could call you a liar, though I never did.
Sitting behind a computer, we can say anything we want. I could say that my Trac has been the most reliable vehicle I have ever owned, but in reality, it could have been in the shop non-stop. I say it has been reliable and you have no way to prove me wrong. I could also say my car has been unreliable because I regret buying the Sport Trac, when it actuality, it was very reliable.
The same goes for you. You can claim that your costs have gone down and you are just saving money hand over fist using Toyota's, but at the same time, that is only your word. There is no proof, nor am I asking you for proof. Nobody, except yourself, knows the truth. There is always that possibility that you have been given "gifts" to convert the fleet to Toyota.
I was just saying that if resale value ment soooo much to you, why not go Honda. Why not spend a few extra bucks, don't follow the sheep, and use Honda? They have the highest reasale value. Someone could assume there is an underlying reason you would not consider going that route.
I highly doubt you would do that, but for example, here is what I have to deal with.
My uncle owns a trucking business. The company I work for is one of his customers. Because we are related, I was required to tell the company that they are doing buisiness with my uncle, but it has nothing to do with my employment so NOBODY can say that we were keeping it a secret or that is why he sell a service to the company I work for.
I think you are an good guy, maybe a little misguided

, but that doesn't make you bad.