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Bret Pardew

Apr 15, 2005
Reaction score
Weatherford, TX
Over the last 6 months I have noticed a vibration throughout the vehicle and assumed that is was possibly a tire balance, allignment issue. Today I noticed that is was comming in at 2500 RPM and would slowly go away as you get away from 2500RPM, up or down.

Has anyone experienced this or have any suggestions on what angle I can take to resolve?

Many thanks for the input.

Need more info.

At 2500 rpm in park?

At 2500 rpm in any gear?

If while moving, does it change on coast or accell?

Do like Me says and balance tires. You'd be surprised how often you need to do that, here in NYC balancing lasts all of 30 days if you're lucky. Also, try to notice the speed it happens at, as well as the RPM, and whether the road is smooth, flat, etc...

After you have had the tires balanced:

If you feel the vibration in the steering wheel, front end.

If you feel the vibration in your ass, rear end. If you enjoy this vibration seek help.

If you feel the vibration all over, pray for mercy from the automotive gods.
Well if it happens in any gear it can't be tire balance. The wheel speed is significantly different in 1st gear at 2500 rpm than in 3rd gear.

An rpm specific vibration while moving only is very unusual.

The entire final drive, drive shaft, and wheel speed is different in different gears. So unless it's speed specific, not rpm specific balancing the tires should make no difference.
my shimmy is very speed specific - from 65 to about 80 it gets a nice little shake to her - over 80 is fine, and under 65 is fine. i had my tires rotated and balance to see if that was it, and she still does it.


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