Nelson Atwell
Well-Known Member
I had cocoa this morning.......with those little coloured mashmallows
- Brian
Some evidence of proof for my theory. I'm assuming while you were sipping the cocoa, you didn't commit any crimes.
I had cocoa this morning.......with those little coloured mashmallows
- Brian
Our Founding Fathers have to be spinning in their graves at the size and state of our government and nation today.
if a goverenment racks up debt in the past, it needs to run a budget surplus
to pay down the debt.
The US has a 4 trillion $ debt or more, to pay this down, you would have to
run budget surpluses.
They would also be spinning in their graves if they knew Blacks were no longer slaves and women can vote. If they really felt all men are equal, they would have never allowed slavery in the first place. The same goes with women voters. If women were suposed to vote, they would have been given that right in the first place.
First off, the "debt" of the US govt is in the form of bonds or loans. Paying them off early results in payine much more for the debt than it's worth (pre-payment penalties). The debts that come due that year are figured into the budget. A suplus is a BAD THING for a government. Not only will politicians get too big for their britches and waste it, but as it has been stated that is my money and yours.
I'm not trying to dog ya, Cayman. I'm just interjecting what I know, my theories
Like I said above, we really don't know what is right and what is wrong with our country today and if the founding fathers would have agreeed or disagreed with it.
Honestly, I don't think they would be as happy as we think they would be.
R Shek said:A good majority of the rest come in entitlement spending, Department of Education spending and various other political slush funds.
I think if the founding fathers were ressurected and lived a few days in our modern times, observing us, they would be in awe of our accomplishments, yet bewildered by our unhappiness and hate. I would expect George Washington to say: "Look at all you have done, at all you have created, at all you have...and still you are unhappy, hateful, petty people! Shame on you!"
Putting a line items in expenditures as debt payment or just showing
a surplus is the same thing.
As an economist, I have a BIG problem with this statement.
First off, the "debt" of the US govt is in the form of bonds or loans. Paying them off early results in payine much more for the debt than it's worth (pre-payment penalties). The debts that come due that year are figured into the budget. A surplus is a BAD THING for a government. Not only will politicians get too big for their britches and waste it, but as it has been stated that is my money and yours.
If you want to reduce the debt, you must reduce spending and entitlements. In the recently submitted US Budget for 2007 ($2.7 TRILLION, that's 27 followed by 11 zeros, or approximatly $9,060 per person in the US) , approximately 1/4 was for defence spending, one of the only things that the US Government was origionally authorized to pay for under the Consititution. A good majority of the rest come in entitlement s[ending, Department of Education spending and various other political slush funds.
Gloria: Do you know that 60 percent of all deaths in America are caused by guns?
Archie Bunker: Would it make you feel any better if dey was pushed out of windows?