Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot............................

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Mud and train a film or tv program would never be made in Canada without Government


Without Gov subsidies we would have no arts....Why do you guys

subsidized your farmers, same reason we do, we want Farms....

And as I said to Mud Flap, I think that it's wrong. Why should the gov't support the film and tv industry? Aren't they good enough to make it on their own? Obviously not, because you yourself just listed the top ten movies last weekend in Canada, and they were all American made, like you said.

Wait, isn't the Canadian Broadcasting Company just state-run television?
One thing about our socialist mentality, its moved to the center (thank god), we have produce Federal budget surplus for the last 10 years in a row....

And there's something also fundamentally wrong right there. Government shouldn't be in business to make a profit, which is exactly what a surplus is. That surplus is your money, not the government's. If there was money left over for the last 10 years, it should have been returned to it's rightful owners: You, the taxpayers.
One thing about our socialist mentality, its moved to the center (thank god), we have produce Federal budget surplus for the last 10 years in a row...

Okay gwac, now you dragged me into this. Out in western Canada we do not feel the same about these issues as you do. Most of the people out here in the agriculture sector require guns for their farms. A large portion of people out here in the west want the gun registery disbanded. As for tightening the gun laws (on hand guns) they have already been illegal for many many years and yet you still have hand gun issues in Toronto. Criminals don't register weapons. As for the federal budget surplus, that was created by OVERTAXING us and running surpluses in the unemployment insurance fund which became general revenue. There is NO surplus, just OVERTAXATION.

Its okay when you racked up a huge debt in the 80`s. They are bringing down the debt.

Its was close to 80% of gdp, it`s now at 35% aprox.

OK, let's not nitpic this... Government should not be subsidizing any private industry whatsoever. I know it happens here in the U.S.,and I don't like it. It's not a function of government as enumerated in the Constitution. Our Founding Fathers have to be spinning in their graves at the size and state of our government and nation today.
Wait, isn't the Canadian Broadcasting Company just state-run television?

Yes, it is a LIBERAL propaganda station, the good old CBC, or the Communist Broadcasting Company as we call it out here in western Canada.
Olaf it a big city versus rural issue. That gun registry was a huge billion dollar joke.

I agree on the taxation, way too much spending, needs to be cut. Taxes need

to be cut way too high. Do not get me started on Multi cultural funding.

We need to get from the center to the right.....
Its okay when you racked up a huge debt in the 80`s. They are bringing down the debt.

Its was close to 80% of gdp, it`s now at 35% aprox.

I'm not sure what you mean by that. If you mean it's OK to have a surplus to use to reduce the debt, no, that's not right either. The right way to do business would be to have no surplus, but to break even every year. If there's debt, then you reduce the size of the government, reduce spending, plan for funds in the existing budget to bring down the debt. Don't use the surplus, because that's not the gov't's money to begin with, it's the property of the people.

If I rack up debt, I don't use other people's money to pay it off. I cut my spending and readjust my existing budget to pay it off.

if a goverenment racks up debt in the past, it needs to run a budget surplus

to pay down the debt.

The US has a 4 trillion $ debt or more, to pay this down, you would have to

run budget surpluses.
If our crime was higher than the US, then you could justify it. How do you

justify relaxing our gun laws with a crime rate that is generally lower....Its

not going to happen.

Because the threats can't all be measured and quantified in an immediate sense. It's a philosophical view, born of the wisdom gained from viewing history.

Let me give you a hypothetical:

Consider American Indians. Let's say, for the sake of argument, an American Indian invents a workable gun design in 1400, and by 1600, American Indians have state of the art firearms. Then, fearing the killing potential of guns, some members within the Indian community said, "We've already got bows that provide all the food we need. Our society should not have these weapons, because the potential to do violence to each other is just too great" And the community agrees and outlaws guns and throws away all the technology used to make them.

Fast forward 250 years, Europeans arrive en masse and begin the extermination and internment of American Indians.

In this hypothetical, did the Indians make the right decision about guns?

Someday, either an independent criminal or a criminal operating in the guise of a government office will come to harm you and/or take your property. If not in your time, then in your offspring's time. Or their offspring's time. If you cede your inherently human right to self-defense, and with the passage of time, the same right for those that follow you, you are doomed accept whatever the predator dictates.

No you wouldn't, if you do it right. The right way to do it is to reduce the size of government and reduce spending, like I said before. Unfortunately, politicians get too drunk with their own power to reduce gov't and spending, so it doesn't happen.

I understand where you are coming from, but most people for right or for wrong do think about remote possiblities like that (the average canadian could not understand something like

that happening, it has never happened in canada). We have enough to worry about in our day to day lives.

Gun laws will get strickered in Canada not losened....

by reducing gov spending, you create a budget surplus....You have to have a

surplus to pay down debt. That is how government finances work...
by reducing gov spending, you create a budget surplus....You have to have a

surplus to pay down debt. That is how government finances work...

No, your debt pay down should be part of the regular budget after adjusted for a spending reduction. A surplus would be anything left over after all expenses (including debt repayment) are paid. At the end of the day, if government is doing things right, there should be no surplus. But sadly, they never do things right...:(
You're contradiciting yourself again:

That gun registry was a huge billion dollar joke.

I agree on the taxation, way too much spending, needs to be cut. Taxes need

to be cut way too high. Do not get me started on Multi cultural funding.

We need to get from the center to the right.....


If you think taxes are too high and you need to move from the center to the right, which is more towards personal responsibility and individual freedoms, then what about the right to keep and bear arms to protect yourself from harm and from government?

You're not making sense, gwac. You say one thing and then contradict yourself with something completely opposite the next minute.:blink:
Rich - you beat me to the point that countries with greater homogenity in the population than the US (Switzerland, Canada, etc) have lower crime becasue of the lack of diversity. Diversity of opinion leads to conflict. That would explain the lack of race riots in Cour dAlene and Fargo during the late 60's and after the Rodney King trial.

In the US, states with the strictest gun control have the highest violent crime. Those with the easiest access have the lowest violent crime. There is probably a correlation there. There is also a chicken-egg argument.
