If our crime was higher than the US, then you could justify it. How do you
justify relaxing our gun laws with a crime rate that is generally lower....Its
not going to happen.
Because the threats can't all be measured and quantified in an immediate sense. It's a philosophical view, born of the wisdom gained from viewing history.
Let me give you a hypothetical:
Consider American Indians. Let's say, for the sake of argument, an American Indian invents a workable gun design in 1400, and by 1600, American Indians have state of the art firearms. Then, fearing the killing potential of guns, some members within the Indian community said, "We've already got bows that provide all the food we need. Our society should not have these weapons, because the potential to do violence to each other is just too great" And the community agrees and outlaws guns and throws away all the technology used to make them.
Fast forward 250 years, Europeans arrive en masse and begin the extermination and internment of American Indians.
In this hypothetical, did the Indians make the right decision about guns?
Someday, either an independent criminal or a criminal operating in the guise of a government office will come to harm you and/or take your property. If not in your time, then in your offspring's time. Or their offspring's time. If you cede your inherently human right to self-defense, and with the passage of time, the same right for those that follow you, you are doomed accept whatever the predator dictates.