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In Memoriam 1950-2022
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
Pasadena, TX
There are those that can deny and gripe all they want. Its there right, but you cant deny the thruth in this video. Of the what this nation was and how it was established.

Funny how some things get thrown out of history. Watch the video........Thanks

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/dlfEdJNn15E?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Glad someone put this together. Few actually know history any more. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you Eddie....I really enjoyed the video. Very enlightening!
Wow, what Capitol tour was this??! I took the tour in 2008 and it didn't cover that.

This video didn't show the Visitors Center, where they foolishly didn't feature all the state statues (seriously, what idiot didn't put the statues for the states the border DC in there). It also doesn't show the massive left-wing propaganda video they have you watch prior to the tour, that rambles on and on about "race relations", how the civil war was fought 100% to free the slaves, and how federal welfare programs are an integral part of our nation and can not be removed.

The Capitol Tour I took spent more time talking about some doors where a gunman burst into the Capitol and how some pages supposedly trashed the paintings in the Rotunda by dropping a "superball" from the balcony than it did talking about history. My tour guide actually apologized for a sculpture in the rotunda depicting a White man killing an Indian who was about to kill him, I distinctly remember that after almost 4 years. It was pathetic.

When did this tour happen? It must have been closed to the public with the crowds being that small. Other evidence being that the place isn't swarming with non-English speaking Asian tourists who chatter on and on while the tour guides are presenting.

I wish I'd gotten a tour like this, and that Congress were still as avowedly and openly Christian now as it was then, but I didn't and it isn't :sad::sad:
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Watchmen group is an evangelical (strict) group which is very right wing. This tour was not given by normal staff. And yes the United States is still NOT a Christian nation. We are a nation of ALL faiths. Period.


yes we are a nation of all faiths. The point is the first few decades. It was found by Christians and those principals. History is dropping that info.

So what if the watchman group is evangelical. They are only producing the original truth.

The truth that some want to ignore and deny, ever happened. I have no dought our founding fathers knew we would become a nation of many faiths. Not all of them were Christians.

The point many dont understand is the bible gives you that choice.

I see many that dont want me to have my choice.

Our countries laws have moved away from old testament teachings mostly. If you understand the new testament teachings. Jesus came to not to condemn anyone. Only to show that God loves all. There is no condemnation for not beleving in heaven or hell. Your choice.

I myself was slaped with condemnation for many years by some Christians. They had no love of Christ in them. Then one day. Something I went through. I seen the light of thruth.

For thelast 25yrs my life hasnt been perfect. But is has been 100% better than the first 37yrs. So I cant deny Christ. The first 37yrs was hell on earth for me. I know it would turn the same if I walk away from my faith in Jesus.

Frank, I dont condemn you. I care about you as one of Gods creations. And I dont even know you.
Today's facts do not change historical facts. This country was founded on Christian principles. Period.

If you want to see how non-inclusive of other religions the U.S. initially was, even by laws on the books, check out the history of Islam in the U.S. In fact, the Founding Fathers never thought that the freedom of religion aspect would extend to those outside of the Christian faith. It was assumed, though not clearly spelled out, that the freedom of religion meant the freedom to worship the God of Abraham as individuals found fit. They never thought the clause would include Muslims, atheists, etc. These facts are found in history as written by the founders but people don't read anymore. Well, people don't read history from those who lived it. They read history as recounted by "experts" online and those who create their own version of history in modern books. Primary sources are wonderful things. They don't tell the history people today want to know, though.
It was assumed, though not clearly spelled out, that the freedom of religion meant the freedom to worship the God of Abraham as individuals found fit.

One of the few gaffes by the Founding Fathers, up there with "hard coding" $20 as the threshold for court cases into the Constitution.

Or how the vague language of the 14th amendment has fostered an onslaught of illegal immigration. Oops :smack:.
Frank, sorry I wont argue with you. It never ends with you. I dont point counter point. Jesus didnt' either.
I asked that you read some primary sources. I have. I won't argues with you about something you won't go learn for yourself.
Writings by the founding fathers. Many of them have a lot of published personal writings that reveal a lot about the prevailing mindsets of the time. Some of it you won't find on the interwebs for whatever reason, but good universities have good libraries. It's amazing the things you can learn about history from people who were actually alive during that time...not interpretations written by a guy in the '60s or today.

It should also be no surprise to anyone with a real knowledge of history, that many of the quotes and things online that are attributed to historical figures are in fact, not the writings or quotes of those historical figures. Thomas Jefferson, for one example, is one of the most incorrectly quoted people online. It's scary to know that a lot of high school kids are doing all of their research online and learning things about history that are in fact, absolutely wrong. Not even shades of truth but just plain wrong.

Things like:

This country was not founded on Christian principles.:cheeky:

Christopher Columbus discovered America...or was even the first European in America.

The Civil War...never mind, I could go on for days. Our school systems suck.:banghead:

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Writings by the founding fathers. Many of them have a lot of published personal writings that reveal a lot about the prevailing mindsets of the time. Some of it you won't find on the interwebs for whatever reason, but good universities have good libraries. It's amazing the things you can learn about history from people who were actually alive during that time...not interpretations written by a guy in the '60s or today

A point of view from a Virginian about the Virgina Religious Freedom Act

"Where the preamble declares, that coercion is a departure from the plan of the holy author of our religion, an amendment was proposed by inserting "Jesus Christ," so that it would read "A departure from the plan of Jesus Christ, the holy author of our religion;" the insertion was rejected by the great majority, in proof that they meant to comprehend, within the mantle of its protection, the Jew and the Gentile, the Christian and Mohammedan, the Hindoo and Infidel of every denomination. "

-Thomas Jefferson, Autobiography, in reference to the Virginia Act for Religious Freedom

First Ammendment. ( back in dem there foundin' father days) establishes a freedom of (and from) religion. A "wall of separation" as it were. Too bad I cant make it clearer for some of you. Lol
What an angry man. Must be completely right, to the point he insues his believe. On a one sided arguement. Of partial truth and twisted history.:sad: