Fill your tanks ASAP!!!!!!!

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Rose Medlin

Active Member
Jul 30, 2002
Reaction score
Sumter, SC
The local news just reported that gas in Sumter is going for $5.23!!!!!!! Ike go away!!!!!

In Sumter, all Kangaroo gas stations are imposing at 10 gallon limit. At the Kangaroo on Broad Street, they have put up a sign asking customers to limit their gas purchases.
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If houston gets badly hammered by Ike, you may not be able to get gas at any price:(

Illegal price gouging is whats going now.
Our prices just dipped to 3.59 in the Seattle area. I am sure they will start jumping up when our local refineries start shipping it SE for more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Filled up my tank today and that should get me through the next couple of weeks until the Gulf refineries come back online again.
It was $3.56 yesterday evening when going home from work. Going to work this morning it was $3.89 at the same station here in NC.....
went from $3.45 to $3.53 overnight @ BP in Nashville yesterday
it's funny....when the prices for the barrel go down, we always hear the BS that "oh, the price at the pump will not go down until that barrel is processed and sent to the pump"....

But if a fish farts in the gulf, the gas prices jump before the bubble reaches the surface.

There is NO WAY the gas that is currently in the tanks at these stations cost them that much to put in. Bill B is right. What is going on now, and what has ALWAYS gone on during hurricane season, is price gouging. If the platforms are truly damaged in the storms, we really shouldn't feel the affects at the pump for at least a few weeks.

Part of the problem is everyone running out to fill up or top off. Gas isn't going to run out because of a hurricane. However, panic buying will diminish supplies and drive up prices.
filled up t his morning at 3.75, went out at lunch..4.09 one station stating only have hi test, all the weigles in the area say they are out.

Supply and demand...BS!

Around here (southeastern PA) whenever the local news calls for a snow flake everybody and their brother hits the local supermarkets for bread, eggs and milk. Seems like pending snow makes people hungry for French toast.

Whatever the reason, the stores run out of these items. The demand spikes rapidly, just like gas in Sumter right now.

The difference? The stores don't instantly raise the price of bread, milk and eggs when this happens. In other words, they don't SCREW the consumer.

We have gotten used to gas prices changing on the hour, for whatever reason, and we allow that as consumers and as a country.

I can't for the life of me see why gas SHOULD change its price on a daily basis, none the less hourly.

Other commodities don't change price that quickly at the retail outlet. I think gas does only because:

a) it can.

b) we accept it.

c) we need it so much

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