Got flipped the bird by a Ridgeline driver.

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Tom Schindler

Well-Known Member
1st Gen Owner
V6 Engine
May 30, 2002
Reaction score
Akron, OH
Sure enough, a Ridgeline pulled up next to me. Us usual, when I see an ugly car like a Pontiac Aztek, Scion Xa or Xb, Honda Element, or Honda Ridgeline, I look at the vehicle, point at it, and laugh.

This guy did not think it was funny and yelled at me to F___ Off and then thre the middle finger at me. The light changes green and we go our way. There is a construction area near my house. The left lane ends, but cars seem to think they save a bunch of time by sitting in the left lane, then punching it to get in front of the first car in the right (right AND correct) lane.

This guy was no different.

FWIW, he remained behind me. He was unable to overtake me in that area. Honestly, few vehicles do. The distance is too short to really do anything if you have a High HP/Low trque engine.

We he passed me again, he flipped me off while flooring it past me.


Those honda ridgelines are FUGLY anyway. Honda should have stuck with their economy cars, they just can't quite compete with the American Trucks. When you buy a truck, you expect a bit of muscle under the hood. When I think of honda, muscle is the LAST thing that comes to mind.

The fact that he had to buy the biggest/slowest/ugliest (in a last place tie with every other vehicle from honda) vehicle honda makes probably means he was compensating for something else...


I'd like to leave him in the tire smoke of my supercharged 'Trac. Then he'd have to think twice before flipping off another 'Trac owner.
Sure enough Tom, the ST is just as fugly and a big joke to a lot of people.

Sanity check here, you're driving a Ford, not a Mercedes.

Chops, you are smart. I thought the Ford Emblem was a Mercedes emblem and that Mercedes emblem was actually a modified peace symbol by a hippie that drives a Mercedes. Silly me. Thanks for the clarification.

Scott, I get those spare minutes to point and laugh when I am doing nothing but waiting for a traffic light to change.


Just learned the sad truth that I don't drive a Mercedes. I think I need to kill myself.
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when I see an ugly car like a Pontiac Aztek, Scion Xa or Xb, Honda Element, or Honda Ridgeline, I look at the vehicle, point at it, and laugh.

Sorry, Tom

You were just being rude and inconsiderate. You deserved the flip off.

I never said I didn't deserve it. I actually think it was funny, but nowhere as funny as those vehicles are.

The ST to some people is ugly too.

Yeah, I had my self esteem dick knocked into the dirt this morning by driving my SportTrac. I went down to the local feed store to pickup 200 pounds of fescue seed and 400 pounds of fertilizer for the yard. Anyway, it all started when I backed up to the loading dock and noticed that the SportTrac bumper (4x4 even) was way lower than the dock bumpers, and I couldn't back up like a man and just stop when the bumper hit the dock bumpers like all the other real men in their real pickups could do. I had to carefully back in to get close, but not so close I crushed the tailgate.

Then, I watched as they loaded the other real trucks--they threw the sacks of feed and seed and fertilizer from afar into the other real trucks. When they loaded mine, they carefully lowered the bag and carefully placed it into the bed of my truck, so as not to break anything. One old coot commented how my Trac was really sagging with a few bags of fertilizer in it.

Anyway, I felt pretty low leaving the lot in my Trac, expecially when the sound of all the real trucks with their real diesel engines idling tried to drown out my 285 Adrenaline watts of Quiet Riot's "Cum on Feel the Noiz"...
My Trac doesn't sag.

[Broken External Image]:

That is 1 1/4 Ton my friend.

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I didn't want a "real" truck. I wanted something versatile that would allow me to drive my family around to the store, work, etc in comfort. I also wanted a bed so I could do those weekend chores out in the yard, and not have to borrow someone else's "real" truck.

Still, it makes me feel good that my co-workers would rather ride in my truck to lunch than anyone else's in the office. Also, when I bought my refrigerator at Lowe's, it felt good when the guys helping to put it in the bed said, "Wow! Sharp-looking truck! We were wondering who it belonged to.". :D
Have to agree with Uncle Bob. Tom, you were out of line. People in this country have the choice to buy whatever they want. You chose to ridicule someone like that, you may get a response.

Most folks wouldn't do anything, but some will react. What would you have done if the guy pulled out a .45 and started firing?

Thinking a vehicle is comical is one thing... actively showing your derision is a completely different matter. Hoping you come to your senses and stop putting yourself in a dangerous situation.
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If the guy had pulled out a .45, I bet he'd have been mighty glad that honda used such a whimpy engine in their "truck"!
Yeah, I agree on being out of line. It was funny in a way, but I know how easy it is to get defensive about your vehicle.

There are a few people I know that hate Sport Trac's. Just recently a girl in one of the sorority's that we were at a bar with said they sucked because it couldn't make up its mind if it wanted to be a truck or SUV.

Now, that is pretty ignorant in my opinion, and she is anything but the most liked person among on groups, but she still had a right to not like it. But her basis was pretty shallow. I mean its a different class altogether, just like at one point SUV's were new, heck even the Truck class was new at one point.

You cant knock something because its part of a different class of vehicle.

But then there is my aunt and uncle. They both thought the Sport Trac was butt ugly when they first saw it. To this day I still think they arent very fond of it, but I did get "Damn this thing has a nice ride" out of him during one of our trips.

But there are the other sides of the coin too. My grandpa loves my truck, says its the most comfortable yet still capable truck he has ever been in.

And since the Sport Trac was, last I heard, the top selling mid-size four door truck on the market, it cant be too hated.

But back to Caymen. If someone just flat out laughed at my truck, didnt even have a conversation as to why they dislike it. I would flick you off too, and try to cut you off. A person like that doesnt deserve my respect on the road.

I hate the trucks too, but its hard for me to really hate the people just because they chose something new.