If Bush had done it...

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Caymen said:
I have a friend that has graduated from Harvard. She is, by far, the dumbest person I have ever met.

Depends on what "dumb" means to you, I guess. I wouldn't expect anyone that could graduate from Harvard is "dumb" by my definition. Dumb to me, is the absence of intelligence, or lacking intelligence. I can't see how anyone that graduates Harvard is dumb.

However, I have seen a lot of very educated people do, and say seemingly stupid things. I've also seen many of the same lack what I feel is "common sense." But none of them have been "dumb". They have all had quite a bit of intelligence.

P.S., back to the topic...who cares. GWB hasn't been present for like almost three years or something. Anchient history. Let's fix the economy already and stop holding Barry up to ghosts of presidents past.

The quoted section of the original post comes from the Conservative Email Forwarding Network from early 2009. It's conservative propaganda and not an article. It doesn't warrant refutiation. In fact, it's not worth debating in any form.

Media Matters did take the time to issue a reply a few months ago, so I'll post a link to it.
The quoted section of the original post comes from the Conservative Email Forwarding Network from early 2009. It's conservative propaganda and not an article. It doesn't warrant refutiation. In fact, it's not worth debating in any form.

Media Matters did take the time to issue a reply a few months ago, so I'll post a link to it.

isn't media matters a George Soros website?

that says it all....
In fact, it's not worth debating in any form.

Facts are hard to debate, name on of those facts that isn't true. And try to do it without posting a picture of your girlfriend.
Facts are hard to debate, name on of those facts that isn't true

They're not that big of a deal when looking at the big picture. In fact, I think they're pretty nit-picky.
They're not that big of a deal when looking at the big picture. In fact, I think they're pretty nit-picky.

All those instances collectively are the BIG PICTURE!

Obama is not qualified to hold this office.

I was at a fast food place that other day, and told my son, the Manager of this place

has more experience than Obama...he just laughed and said you're right...
What would make you even think of Obama while in line at a fast food place? Sounds like an obsessive thing to me. :rofl:

I've got a buddy on another forum who blames Obama for everything that happens to him. It's like that's all he dwells on. Hell, he just got an infection after surgery and he claims Obama's cutbacks in healthcare are to blame. Nuts.
I had just picked up my son from a Goverment class he was taking...we were talking about government and other things...and I wasn't in line, I was sitting down...

The place had a TV and Obama showed up talking out his pie hole....:bwahaha:
They're not that big of a deal when looking at the big picture. In fact, I think they're pretty nit-picky.

You would, not realizing the big picture, and unable to dispute they are facts. How about the 3 trillion dollar deficit, how does that grab you, nit-picky enough. It's always interesting to note Obama supporters will never argue the points of interest or facts, they just keep blaming Bush.

I haven't seen the "I know you are but what am I defense" in a while. Who says what you learn in 5th grade isn't useful later in life. Nicely done. I
They're not that big of a deal when looking at the big picture. In fact, I think they're pretty nit-picky

And making fun of how someone prounounces the word "nuclear" isn't "nit-picky"?
How about the 3 trillion dollar deficit, how does that grab you, nit-picky enough. It's always interesting to note Obama supporters will never argue the points of interest or facts, they just keep blaming Bush.

We're two years into his first term in the middle of the worst economic mess since 1929. Yeah, I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt. It's too early to expect the miraculous recovery that so many people expect.

I'm jobless at the moment. Don't think that I don't want a fast recovery. However, I know that it takes twice as long to get out of a ****** economic hole as it took to get into it. If I do a quick calculation, that means it's going to take about six years to climb out. So why kick the President, regardless of who it is, at the moment? I'd expect the same if McCain had won.
Mark K said about those that mispronounce words:
That either means he's stupid or he's ignorant.

Really? I know a lot of people that pronounce words differently than I do. I moved to southeastern PA 12 years ago from NY state. Funny some of the things I have heard.

Still kills me when someone says: RAD-EEE-ATE-ER instead of RAY-DEE-ATE-ER.

Either way, I don't think these people are stupid or ignorant.

P.S., Mark...

Regarding your statement it will take 6 years to get out of the ****** economy...twice as long as it took to get into it...I have to say...

I think the ****** economy started around 1998 with the tech boom bust. That boom, even though busted, created a lifestyle and fueled a spending frenzy that didn't get curbed for at least another 8 years or so. Still, from that point the economy continued to slide and it hit its worst almost 10 years later...late 2008. So, by your own figures, the recovery could take 20 years. It's been about 2.

I expect recovery and another boom just about the time I'm ready to retire.

Oh well...

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Still kills me when someone says: RAD-EEE-ATE-ER instead of RAY-DEE-ATE-ER.

At least they didn't add and remove letters that are part of the word. There's no U in the middle of nuclear.

"Nucular" has always gotten on my nerves. And nuclear isn't a difficult word to pronounce. Bush (and Palin... and others) simply have chosen to intentionally mispronounce it rather than learn to pronounce it correctly. I can see Bubba at the corner garage mispronouncing it, but the POTUS should get it right.
@Mark K: "Hospital Corpssssman"

Actually he said corpse man, however if the current POTUS has any military experience, he could pronouce "corpsman" correctly.

Most people who have just seen war movies know that the ps in corpsman is silent, so that it is pronounced "corman." On the other hand, it is clear that the Commander in Chief is sorely lacking in his knowledge of things military. (Question: Does he pronounce it: "Marine Corpse?")
Yes, Les. Obama mispronounced corpsmen. Once. I've heard him say it since and he he did so correctly. Lesson learned. Bush never learned.