If Bush had done it...

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RichardL, I feel your pain.

I asked:

Please, enlighten me on the greatness of FDR.

And instead I got some roundabout post which comes down to the old argument of "If everyone says it, it must be true.", as seen here:

Franklin D. Roosevelt goes down as one of the greatest presidents in US history. While you may think he was a hack, history rates him higher than Aberaham Lincoln and George Washington.

This is ironic, in a sense, as you're using "history" to "prove" a claim, when history proves that your argumentative technique is defective.

BTW, if FDR is remembered by history as being "greater" than Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, then how come they are immortalized on Mount Rushmore and he is not?
BTW, if FDR is remembered by history as being "greater" than Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, then how come they are immortalized on Mount Rushmore and he is not?

Grasping at straws arent you?

Mt. Rushmore was completed in 1941 which is 4 years before his death. The construction began 6 years before FDR too office.

Was that "argument point" taken out of the Conservatives Handbook or did you make it up?


I've never seen FDR on anything. I see MLK Parkway in every major city in the US it seems.

If FDR was so great, why did they put term limits on the Presidency?

If FDR was so great, why did they put term limits on the Presidency?

The knew Dubya would be president and wanted to make sure that the most rigged elections would end at two terms. :bwahaha:


The knew Dubya would be president and wanted to make sure that the most rigged elections would end at two terms.

I think you meant to but Obama or Franken, instead of "Dubya"...

Never was any cases of convicted felons voting for W.
Never was any cases of convicted felons voting for W.

Yeah, right. What makes you think a similar number of then currently-banned felons didn't vote in the past. To assume it's a newer issue is short-sighted.

Also, in my AA group, I run into loads felons who've had their voting rights restored after meeting certain criteria. They're still technically felons and would be tagged as such if a certain conservative watchdog group made an issue out of it, but they're legally allowed to vote.
Almost a week later since this thread was started and posting still going on...and GWB is STILL not the president.

Some people just can't get past certain things.

We are doomed, I think. Too many people in this country easily distracted by shiny objects. A thread like this, just another "shiny object"...

Eight years of Bush scarred a lot of people deeply. It's going to take a while to forgive and forget. But you know what? We survived. That's what's so strange. We survived eight years of dumbshittedness, yet there are those who think that after two years of Obama, the country is near death. Suck it up, shut up, and take a lesson from Bush haters. It'll be OK.

You got me on that one...I do love shiney things. :grin::love::grin:

I also like :btddhorse: and :banghead: until someone makes me :throwup:

Never was any cases of convicted felons voting for W.

Very true, but there is documented cases of voting machines failing in certain "predominatly democrat" voter areas during the Dubya elections.

Keep hiding your head in the sand Mark, it seems to work for you.

It's pretty self-righteous to think that Obama supporters are ostriches and those against him are "enlightened" in some manner. Half the country supports Obama. Are you saying that half the country is out of touch with reality and the other half are the chosen ones?
Mark, not all Obama supporters are ostriches, but it does seem to work for you. Actually less than half the country supports Obama and even some of his supporters admit this country is headed in the wrong direction. I don't expect him to work miracles, but I do expect him to do the job he wanted and was elected for. He has no military experience and he is expanding a war we can't win. He didn't close Gitmo. Unemployment is at record levels and this country has never owed so much money to so many people. Basically he's full of sh!t and more and more people are realizing it.
Richard L said:
John Kennedy also graduated from Harvard, but not with an MBA...He graduated (cum laude) from Harvard with a Masters degree in international affairs in June 1940, and his thesis was published in July 1940 as a book entitled "Why England Slept"

I will note that our last four Presidents, all of the Supreme Court, and virtually all of the people in the upper echelon of the Federal government are graduates of Harvard and/or Yale, meaning that they were taught the same ideology by the same professors.

I don't call that "diversity".

I never said that a Harvard degree made diversity, only that another President besides GW Bush received a Master's Degree from Harvard.

My point is not what degree you have or your level of intelligence, it's what you can do with what you have.

Personally, I don't think GW Bush was the dumbest President, nor do I think JFK was the smartest. Most President's get their reputation as being good or bad from the people around them who actually advise the President and do all the mental work. We never really know exactly who made the final decision that the President is held accountable for. Many times the mistakes the President made are only seem through the eyes of the other political party.

Presidents are elected based more on their acting, charisma and personality. They have to be confident and convince us they can do what they say they will do. That's why Presidential campaigns never get specific about exactly how the candidate will keep his promises if he is elected.

The reality is that the President has very limited powers to get the Congress or Senate to do what he wants. It's the political parties that are making or breaking a Presidency but the perceived success or failure of a President can impact the entire political party. That's why the President's political party supports him and puts a positive spin on anything he does, while the opposing party puts a negative spin on everything they perceive that the President has done wrong.

Much of the President's success or failure is based on which party has the majority in the House and/or Senate. Even when one party has a majority, it is only by one or two seats and that often just leads to grid-lock.

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Couldn't agree with you more RichardL,

If a President surrounds himself with good people, Great things can be accomplished.

If the President surrounds himself with the likes of the current President,

We see what happens.

It is a shame that running a government is soo political and not more like well a run business.

Not to say that businesses are not political to a certain degree, but they have a business plan,

adhere to a successful plan and they succeed, if things don't go as planned due to changes outside their plan, they make adaptations to succeed of fail.

Most people do not study history. There are clear ways to improve the economy, the current leaders are not doing it.....:angry: