Anyone ever notice, on this board? When some things get posted, that some others disagree with. A few get a little deeper than disagreeing. They tend go into auto pilot of calling articles propaganda. In a very diplomatic way calling the oppsing view, dumb or gullible.
I personaly feel as if they are trying to create menticide, with their beliefs snd inteligence. I hope Im wrong. It sure looks that way alot. If I tell someone enough times, thier opinion is wrong and what they read is all propaganda. I might be able to make them think like me. It is belittleing and undermining Aright to, the others opposing view.. Maybe those that do this need to step up and call out the names of those thay disagree with. And be specific about where in the article the koolaid is. instead of dismissing the whole thing. Then having the same old thing to say, to a mixed belief audience. Some never comeback to the conversation afterwards. I know I have steped out.
As I previously stated, people are bashing Obama for mostly rumors and statements claiming to be on the inside yet remain nameless??
President Obama said:Then, last August, after years of painstaking work by our intelligence community, I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden. It was far from certain, and it took many months to run this thread to ground. I met repeatedly with my national security team as we developed more information about the possibility that we had located bin Laden hiding within a compound deep inside of Pakistan. And finally, last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action, and authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice.
Translation: President Obama wasn't the fastest draw in the west when it came to making the decision to drop the hammer on Bin Laden.
...and if Bin Laden was not in that compound and innocent people were killed or hurt, Obama would be the biggest A-hole in the world.
Translation: President Obama wasn't the fastest draw in the west when it came to making the decision to drop the hammer on Bin Laden.[/quote
I guess in your mind he should have pulled the trigger immediately rather than devise a good plan...He could have easily ended up with egg on his face much like Jimmy Carter did with is poorly designed plan to rescue the Iran hostages ??
Again, everything people are saying about the raid and Obama's decision is just Monday morning quarterbacking. Regardless of how long it took him to make a decision, he obviously made the right one and it went off dispite a helicopter failure. All the contigencies and scenarios were worked out to include enough manpower to fight off any resistance from the Pakistan police or military.
Remember that they only felt there was a 50/50 chance that bin Laden was even there. The easiest solution would have been to launch a Cruise missile, a stealth fighter, or a Preditor to just take out the compound as was done unsuccessfully several times in the past.
Obama was also dealing with our so-called ally Pakistan who had already complained about some of our incursions into their country for attacks on al Qaida...Some were reported to have killed innocent civilians?
I also heard it was reported that we had an under the table deal with Pakistan. They would allow us to go after al Qaida in their country, but they would publicly protest those attacks.
So we may never know all the details as to what went on behind closed doors. It's also odd that none of the speculation about Obama's unwilling to make a decision ever hit the mainstream media? There has been a lot of coverage about the bin Laden raid including a lot of critical views, jet none of the information from this article ever made it to the mainstream media.
Everything in my mind tells me this article appeared on a Republican/Tea Party conservative blog as an attempt to smear Obama, and is not based on the truth.
When people mention Nixon and watergate or Clinton and Lewinski, they were being investigated for actual crimes. Nixon for the Watergate break-in, and Clinton for the WhiteWater scandal. The special prosecutor was informed of Clinton's infidelity with Lewinski and that led to Clinton's impeachment which was based on lying to the investigating committee in regards to his relationship with Lewinski.
If we assume the article is the truth, Nothing in the article accuses Obama of committing a crime, just that he was slow to pull the trigger on bin Laden. That would appear to be that persons opinion only, and hardly has an credibility without knowing who that person was??? The intelligence and military advisors in those meetings offered several possible scenarios that Obama had to determine which was the best option...I think he selected and approved the best option simply because it was so successful. Had the plan not worked, he would have been the goat and would have received even more criticism.
That would appear to be that persons opinion only, and hardly has an credibility without knowing who that person was???
If we assume the article is the truth, Nothing in the article accuses Obama of committing a crime, just that he was slow to pull the trigger on bin Laden.
I also heard it was reported that we had an under the table deal with Pakistan. They would allow us to go after al Qaida in their country, but they would publicly protest those attacks.
It's also odd that none of the speculation about Obama's unwilling to make a decision ever hit the mainstream media?
He could have easily ended up with egg on his face much like Jimmy Carter did with is poorly designed plan to rescue the Iran hostages ??
I don't think he is doing a great job, overall. I'd give him a C+ so far as president. I think he is a little more "on top of things" than Bush was, and he seems to be more of an efficient multi-tasker.
If Panetta was operating on his own the President would not have been able to cancel it. So the article contradicts itself saying he didn't know and did know? Judge for yourself.
Yes the article contradicts itself...but Obama or Panetta did not write the article. How often have people been misquoted, or even misinterpreted. That does not mean either is lying, only that they don't have 100% perfect Tota Recall. I rather think it was just human nature to forget or confuse minor, insignificant details in light of the mountains of critical details and decisions that had to be made in preparing for the raid.
It also shows if you just tell the truth, all the lying and covering-up wouldn't get in the way.