I agree with your statement about perception, but I think a lot of people are letting their dislike of Obama color their perceptions or assumptions about him as if they were factual. People are reading things in the media or on these anti-Obama websites and assume it must be true because they found someone they can agree with about their dislike of Obama.
OK, so you disagree with my comparison of Ike/Obama. Here's a President-to-President comparison: Obama/OBL raid to GWB/9-11. What I quoted from you above could've also been said about how GWB reacted upon receiving report of the 9-11 attacks:
a lot of people are letting their dislike of Bush color their perceptions or assumptions about him as if they were factual. People are reading things in the media or on these anti-Bush websites and assume it must be true because they found someone they can agree with about their dislike of Bush.
You speak of Leadership, but part of leadership is entrusting people to do the tasks they are experts in doing. Nobody is implying that Obama is a Military man nor that he even thinks he can plan such a mission. He said he wanted a ground attack on the compound, and that's exactly what he got. I also think it is perfectly normal for him to protect his political position as this has been done by other President's in the past.
It is very common for Presidents and CEO's to inform their executive staff what they want/wish and leave it up to them to get it done without informing him of the details just so he can claim that he did not know anything or had not been informed about the operation. Reagan did that in the diverting of funds to by guns for the Contras and Col. Oliver North was the fall guy.
I fully understand all of this. Like you, I'm retired military, and totally get the concepts of sound leadership and delegation of authority, along compartmentalization and leaders being isolated from certain aspects of taskings/missions.
My main point was to illustrate the perception of Obama's leadership, or lack thereof., and the perception of him being detached from the situation by being seen out on the golf course. Imagine Obama golfing would've been publicly perceived if the OBL mission had turned into an
peration Eagle Claw/Desert One or
Somalia Charlie Foxtrot... Look at how GWB was criticized as being clueless for not reacting in a largely visible way and not abruptly ending his school visit on 9/11.
But that would require him to want to go to church. My mom's had plenty of serious surgeries in the past couple of years. Not once did I even think about going to church beforehand. I can pray just fine without making a public showing of it in a church.
Big difference, Mark. You're not POTUS. I'm not saying he was
required to go to church, but POTUS, no matter who it is, is under a 24/7 microscope of public perception (especially in this modern age of instant information). So it was a major FAIL on the part of both POTUS and his handlers for him to decide to go golfing that day.