Well, let me first respond to what was first said....
Also, I'm not sure I understand what you meant by: "not worry about their 'purity' if you know what I mean."
Having been involved with the BSA for nearly 15 years (been through it all from Webelos through Eagle Scout and as an adult leader) I have been through more training than I really care to recall. Being a summer camp staff member we were trained to recognize signs of abuse. We were trained in the Youth Protection Guidelines that is REQUIRED for ALL ADULT LEADERS of the BSA. The basics are there for your protection as an adult and for the protection of the kids. This is not a gay vs straight position, this is a protection of the innocense of the scout issue.
Are gays more likely to molest my son than a "straight" man? No. It doesn't matter. I still have no qualms sending my son out with a BSA troop.
I know what he means. The BSA do not allow Gays to participate. Though it has been studied that Gays are no more likely to be a pedophile than someone straight and in some studies, straight men are more likely to "play with kids" than a Gay man is.
Too bad so many people have that "since someone is gay, they must be a pervert" idea's
I am not one of your "so many people". I vigerously disagree with the homosexual lifestyle.
I do not hate gay people, I hate the sin of homosexuality, much the same way that I hate the sin of abortion, the sin of prostitution, the sin of adultary, the sin of lieing, the sin of theft, etc. It's all the same level, there is none greater or less than the other. There are more that I hate just as equally, many I am personally guilty of.
With the BSA, the lifstyle requirements that they espouse and demand that the leaders live up to is the Christian lifestyle that Baden Powell defended and promoted. Other countries (such as Canada, England and Switzerland) have moved their Boy Scout organizations away from the Christian-based messages and such towards the secular. The day that the BSA does this is the day that the BSA dies.
My origional comments about the boy getting his wilderness survival merit badge were more tounge-in-cheek. This boy was suffering severe homesickness, something that doesn't take much training to see. Anyone who's ever had it and made it through can usually spot it (I know that I've been there and have helped several scouts in camp make it through the week and really enjoy being in camp based on my experiences wanting to go home at any cost).
I have never seen the Penn and Teller BS episode on the BSA. Frankly, I don't care. They can cram it. I've seen what they did with "Gun Control" and "PETA" They are generally fair, but why do I need to waste my time? If you don't like the BSA, fine. Don't let your kids get involved with them, go to Awanas or similar group. The BSA is a fine organization for teaching boys to be their best. To help the find themselves. To help them find the avenue of life they want to walk. I am the oldest of three boys in my family. All three of us were in Scouts. I am the only one to go from the beginning to the end. My middle brother dropped out at Star. My youngest brother did the same, but for different reasons. Are they any better or worse than I am? No. They took a different path. I would not be I am or where I am today without the BSA.
You can have your differening opinion, fine. I'm not going to attack you, call you names or demean you in any manner.
All I ask you to do is:
1) Do Your Best
2) Do A Good Turn Daily
3) On your honor, do you best, do your duty to God and country, obey the Scout Law, help other people at all times, keep yourself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.
4) Be trustworthy, loyal, honest, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverant.
5) As an American, be clean in your