This is a very interesting and well argued debate (and by well argued I mean this hasn't turned into a name calling match. For this I appluad everyone!

I thought I would share some of my own feelings on this subject.
First, the BSA. They are an organization that is doing something good for kids. Although I don't support their stance on homosexuals, I would still persuade my sons to be boy scouts if I had any. They try to teach boys to be upstanding citizens along with the ability to take care of themselves in whatever situation they find themselves in. Unfortunately for me, they disbanded the troop I was in before I became a boy scout due to "poor decision making" by the fathers that took us on the camping trip one year.
Gay and lesbians. The stigmata that follows them and makes people scared that they molest little kids is because they are considered deviants. They deviate from the "preceived" norm of 1 man and 1 female. Because it is a sexual deviation, they get lumped into the category of sexual deviates, ie pedophiles. This is a mind set of people and the way they have been taught by parents, teachers, priests, and every other influenctial person in their life. Just like my grandfather being a racist and using racial slurs even when he liked someone. It had been ingrained in him since childhood. I was raised to tolerate people from all walks of life. (my parents where children of the 60s.)
Religion. First off there is a golden rule which is the most important part of all. Due unto others as you would have done unto you. In my mind that means treat everyone the way you want to be treated. If you want people to accept you as you are then you must accept them as they are. There is no room for a double standard. Accept me b\c I am XYZ but I wont accept you b\c you're WXY just doesn't cut it in my book. This is the 1 main moral everyone should live by.
BigBearCarolina (BBC) you said :
Or does He make people, and by their own sin nature desire to do these things on their own?
Since you seem to be a very christian person and try to live by the teachings of god, then you would know that according to the bible, God created everything. There was but a void before he created the heaven and earth, darkness and light, GOOD and BAD. Based upon this, God also created the Garden of Eden AND he created the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. If God created everything, then he must have created sin as well.
The Bible says God made us all perfect, so that means God made some people homosexual.
Can you be specific as to where this is in the Scripture?
Again, by taking the bible as law, then in Genesis it is said that god created man in his own image. If god is perfect, then we were created perfect as well. If we are not perfect, then God created us imperfectly. That to me would imply that he was not perfect....
Now for the part that might not agree with most of you. The Bible is not the Word of God. The bible is a collection of stories, written by man. The only thing supposedly written by God were the ten commandments. Anyone see the Ark of the Covenant lately? If we go back to the premise that man is flawed, then what could make us think that the book is not flawed? It was written originally in an ancient language, aramaic, translated many times till it became what it is today. Considering most people have a hard time remembering what happened yesterday in exact detail, I am hard pressed to believe the events in the bible are described exactly as they happened. 4 gospels in the new testament, 4 different versions of the life of Jesus. Sounds like they are all baised towards the authors point of view. I also personally feel that the book was written in such a way as to give great power to the church. They say they are the messengers of God follow<