Well, nothing at all happened, or nothing good anyway.
I went down there, spent 2 hours driving up and down the street with doug in the passenger seat, reading my MAF counts, a/f ratio, load, spark, etc etc etc, then he thought he finally had it tuned properly, so we moved inside to the dyno...
The first run was aborted at 4000 rpm because my WOT air/fuel ratio went extraordinary lean again. So doug spent 30-40 minutes frantically adjusting the a/f ratios again. Made another run on the dyno, aborted at 4200rpm this time...same reason. Repeat a/f ratio modifications again, then another run, aborted at 4000 again. Doug goes to the auto parts store to get a fuel pressure gauge, then gets back (45 minutes later) and realizes that it won't work on the trac because there's no place to hook it up. Finally, he decides that it's the fuel pump and gives up tuning it, so I'm stuck driving a truck that is on the verge of blowing a head gasket at any time, ANOTHER 300 miles back home.
I get about 2 minutes away from the dyno and the truck is spitting and sputtering and generally threatening to throw its internals onto the side of the road, so I call doug and tell him I'm going back to the "old" tune (the original tune he sent me which makes me run extremely lean) because I am seriously afraid that I will destroy the truck with the NEW tune. At every shift, the truck stuttered enough that I could hear a BANG inside the drivetrain, then I lost all power if I didn't let off the gas and give it gas after the truck actually made the shift. I am sure that if I had driven much farther, I would have been pushing the remaining 298 miles. It basically felt like someone sucked 80% of the horsepower out of the truck, at ALL RPMs. So I pulled over in a verrrrrry bad part of Memphis, shut off the truck, grabbed my .45 from under the seat and put one in the chamber while I was reprogramming the truck. I was getting some pretty strange looks, so I didn't want to stay there any longer than I had to. hehe
So I made it out alive and drove on home with the old, super-lean truck and now I'm in search of a fuel pump for a mustang 5.0 since mine is "obviously" bad...or something....I guess. (I really have no idea)
Oh! I forgot the best part!! I got to pay $150 for dyno time!
So, I am officially NOT recommending the EE kit to anyone until Dave changes the fuel pump that comes with the kit, or Dave talks to Doug to tell him that the fuel pump isn't the problem...or pigs fly...at which time I will eat my hat (I love my hat).
I can tell you that the supercharged trac makes 247 horsepower and 291 ft/lb of torque BEFORE 4000 rpm though! (file THAT in your useless information directory)
Grand total for the trip, $90 for gas and $150 for dyno time. The trip was precisely 300 miles down there, I filled up before I left and had between 1/4 and 1/2 tank when I arrived. I still had a quarter tank after driving like a nutcase up and down the street with Doug AND after the three dyno pulls. I finally put 19 gallons in to get home and I still had well over 1/4 tank this morning.
Any other questions? Anybody want to buy a trac that is in apparent need of a fuel pump and a good tune(r)? It's damn fast, you just can't drive it over 3500 rpm!
:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
-pissed off supercharged trac owner
I think I'm gonna go look at mustang GTs today!