Kirk love the new headlights! Wow they look good. I have a gen 2 but could use the upgrade. Where did you source those please?
I got the same ones on my 05 ST, along with different brake lights.
I got both off of Amazon & since you have a Gen 2, its pointless to link. haha
Rears were $80, headlights were $115.
& I did Nothing to mine today, yesterday, tomorrow, or all this Freezing ass week!!!

In Pa & hardly got near 30 all fall & winter so far (for the most part)
Now that I have a front shock & oil pan to replace, it will be Lucky to get anywhere near 30* for the next week....
P.O. stripped the oil drain plug completely.
So I tossed a longer bolt in that works.... but it still drips
Not enough to be an issue, other then making a mess over time.
Now "all of a sudden", its only going to be cold as FK Mon & Tues.....